Princess in Puerto Princesa

cute dolls inside a coffee shop somewhere in downtown

seafood platter in one restaurant

Crisel posing with her friend Forest Pig

crocodile everywhere, big, medium and small

Jill so afraid to hold the crocodile

Baker's Hill, the home of the famous hopia in Puerto Princesa

Christine (from Germany) escorted by a pirate

haha...Jill vs Marlyn?
all these life sized sculptures can be seen at the baker's hill garden

tricycle, Palawan style, different from what we have here in Laguna and also different from what I posted for CDO

boat ride going to Underground River


famous spot for photos

all aboard, now ready to enter the Underground River

the entrance and the exit as well =)

after the trip, hungry people's meal

we pass by little Vietnam in Palawan, that's the name of the Village

trying out hot water pool

our stormy island hopping, the storm run wild when we are in Snake Island, but instead of watching the storm, we join in the fun =)

finally, party's over for the storm

inside Super Ferry, passing the time

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